Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Why did USFJ implement the self-quarantine?
A1. To remain consistent with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, USFJ issued a quarantine directive, on 4 Feb 2020, as a precautionary and preventive step to maximize the containment of the virus and to mitigate risk to the USFJ population. One of the top priorities of the USFJ commander is protection of the USFJ population.
Q2. Who does the quarantine apply to?
A2. The USFJ quarantine directive is mandatory for anyone with SOFA status who has returned from the PRC in the interest of public health.
Q3. How long will the self-quarantine last?
A3. The USFJ quarantine will last for 14 days beginning from the date an individual departs the PRC. This 14-day quarantine period equals the incubation period for novel coronavirus.
Q4. What if I returned from China prior to the quarantine? Will I still be quarantined?
A4. The quarantine goes into effect immediately, but will be calculated based on the date of departure from the PRC. If the individual feels sick, they should immediately seek medical attention to have their condition diagnosed.
Q5. Do I have to comply with the quarantine directive?
A5. The Commander, U.S. Forces Japan, has exercised his authority to implement the quarantine. It is mandatory in the interest of public health and safety for all SOFA members who may have recently traveled to PRC. The USFJ commander directed the quarantine out of an abundance of caution and as a preventive step to maximize the containment of the virus and to mitigate risk to the USFJ population.
Q6. What if a family member returned from China and decides not to abide by the quarantine directive? Will they be in trouble?
A6. The USFJ commander has the authority to require the quarantine for everyone with SOFA status. The USFJ commander directed the quarantine out of an abundance of caution and as a preventive step to maximize the containment of the virus and to mitigate risk to the USFJ population.
Q7. What if a US service member was TDY to China while his/her family member(s) remained in Japan? Will the US service member be allowed to quarantine at his residence?
A7. Yes. Unless the member requires medical care, the quarantine should be done at home. The USFJ commander directed the quarantine out of an abundance of caution and as a preventive step to maximize the containment of the virus and to mitigate risk to the USFJ population.
Q8. If a US service member was TDY to China while his/her family member(s) remained in Japan, and returned home before the self-quarantine took effect; all family member(s) would have theoretically been exposed to any potential virus carried by the service member. Would they have to quarantine alongside the US service member? Would the US service member be allowed to quarantine at his/her residence?
A8. The USFJ commander directed the quarantine out of an abundance of caution and as a preventive step to maximize the containment of the virus and to mitigate risk to the USFJ population. For this particular instance, the family members have been residing with the US service member and therefore would have been exposed to any potential virus carried by returnee. While the US service member will be required to quarantine at his residence, out of an abundance of caution, the family members should also follow the quarantine and remain in their residnce.
Q9. What actions will occur while an individual is undergoing the quarantine?
A9. The individual will monitor their physical condition and temperature, and then provide these results to their unit leadership and a health care provider. Additionally, a health care provider will conduct an in-person check regularly. Following the 14-day quarantine period, the health care provider will conduct a final screening and clear the individual from continuing with the quarantine. If at any time during the self-quarantine the individual begins to show symptoms, the individual will immediately been seen by USFJ medical personnel to diagnose their condition.
Q10. If a family member, DoD civilian, contractor or MLC (Japan national employees) employee abides by the quarantine and remains at their residence and misses work, will they be entitled to any financial compensation?
A10. Everyone with SOFA status must follow this directive. Individuals are encouraged to contact their supervisor to determine if telecommuting is authorized. Affected members, including MLCs, will be placed on administrative leave otherwise.
Q11. What happens if a US service member, family member, DoD civilian or contractor is still in China?
A11. All DOD personnel - U.S. military, civilians and DoD contractors - currently in China on temporary duty or leave status are directed to depart mainland China. This aligns with Department of State, DoD and INDOPACOM directives that restricted all DoD travel to China. There are no travel restrictions from INDOPACOM for DOD personnel in the remainder of the INDOPACOM area of operations.
Q12. Who is responsible for care, transportation and security of the personnel in quarantine?
A12. It is the responsibility of the individual’s chain of command, with assistance from the installation, to provide care and treatment for those in quarantine. Service members, neighbors, co-workers and others can assist in providing food, groceries and other life necessities, as well as wants, as requested by the US service member or others following the quarantine directive.
Q13. Will USFJ installation personnel be exposed to those in quarantine?
A13. USFJ assesses the overall risk to USFJ personnel remains low, but the quarantine measures implemented are out of an abundance of caution to mitigate risk to the USFJ population.
Q14. What if someone is diagnosed with coronavirus?
A14. If an individual is diagnosed with novel coronavirus, they will be treated accordingly. If they require hospitalization, they will be transported to the closest available medical facility.
Q15. How will US service members and others return to USFJ installations?
A15. Each USFJ service component command is tracking US service members who are returning or who have returned from China and will arrange transportation for them, as well as family members, civilians and contractors. It is important to note that anyone returning will first undergo airport screening as implemented by the GoJ.
Q16. Do the driver and other people in the vehicle have to wear a mask or other forms of protection? How will US service members and others return to USFJ installations?
A16. Each returning service member will be screened at the airport by Government of Japan for symptoms. If the traveler is asymptomatic, the individual will be released to USFJ personnel for transport to a USFJ installation. As a precautionary measure, the driver and others in the vehicle can wear a mask, gloves and eye protection, and have hand sanitizer if gloves are not available. Once returned, it is recommended the vehicle is cleaned with or wiped down with Clorox wipes or other similar sanitizers.
Q17. While an individual is undergoing quarantine, will they be able to leave the quarantine location? How will they get food, groceries, and other life necessities?
A17. Those quarantined are restricted from leaving their residence or barracks during the 14-day quarantine. The individual’s chain of command, installation, neighbors and others have developed plans to provide food, groceries and other life necessities, as well as wants, as requested by the US service member.
Q18. If I traveled to another country other than China, but had a temporary layover in China, am I subject to quarantine?
A18. Anyone who traveled to the PRC, even for a temporary layover, which includes Hong Kong and Macao, regardless of its duration, will follow the USFJ Force Health Protection Order requirement for quarantine.
Q19. Is my PCS / Training going to be delayed or canceled?*ARMY specific only*
A19. Out of an abundance of caution, Headquarters, Department of the Army has made the decision to stop movement and delay travel of soldiers stationed in Italy and Korea, which have been identified by the Centers for Disease Control as alert level 3 for COVID-19.
This includes:
- Soldiers who are on permanent change of station (PCS) orders, to and from.
- Soldiers conducting professional military education (PME).
- Foreign Military Student training and travel restrictions.
Also, soldiers will not attend training, exercises, exchanges, and visits in countries with a CDC alert level category 2, which includes Japan, and above for COVID-19.
Force Health Protection is the Army’s top priority. Protecting the force includes mitigating the spread of the virus and ensuring personnel have the most up-to-date information on appropriate measures to prevent potential spread of COVID-19. For more information, contact U.S. Army Japan.