Guidance from the Commander, U.S. Forces Japan

Our Mission

United States Forces, Japan (USFJ) manages the U.S. – Japan Alliance and sets conditions within Japan to ensure U.S. service components maintain a lethal posture and readiness to support regional operations in steady state, crisis, and contingency and that bilateral mechanisms between the United States and Japan provide the ability to coordinate and synchronize actions in support of the U.S. – Japan Alliance.

Our Vision

USFJ enables USINDOPACOM's efforts to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific. U.S. force posture in Japan provides a ready and lethal capability that deters adversary aggression, protects the Homeland, aids in Japan's defense, and enhances regional peace and security.  The U.S. – Japan Alliance serves as a beacon to those who value transparency in government, transparency in economic dealings, access to markets, access to domains, as well as respect for and protection of sovereignty.

Our Focus

1. Operations.

2. Alliance Management.

3. SOFA, Force Posture, and Basing.

4. Plans and Policy.

About USFJ

Welcome to Headquarters, U.S. Forces, Japan, (USFJ) and Yokota Air Base, Japan! The following provides a brief overview of USFJ, Yokota Air Base, and the local community. 

Yokota Air Base is located on the island of Honshu, Japan, and located 28 miles northwest of Tokyo. The base lies within the political boundaries of six municipalities: Akishima, Fussa, Hamura, Mizuho, Musashi-Murayama, and Tachikawa.


USFJ was originally established at Fuchu Air Station on July 1, 1957, and includes approximately 60,000 military personnel across the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force elements. Also included at USFJ are 35,000 dependents, 7,000 Department of Defense civilian and contractor employees, and 25,000 Japanese workers. U.S. forces are stationed in Japan pursuant to the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security of 1960.

Headquarters U.S. Forces Japan is located at Yokota Air Base. Approximately 160 military, DoD, and Japanese national employees comprise the Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan's, (COMUSJAPAN) joint staff. The joint staff administers unilateral and bilateral defense issues. HQ USFJ focuses on war planning, conduct of joint/bilateral exercises and studies, administering the Status of Forces Agreement, improving combat readiness, and enhancing the quality of life of military and DOD civilian personnel and their dependents.

One of the most significant events in USFJ history took place on January 19, 1960. Christian A. Herter and Douglas MacArthur II signed the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security for the United States. This treaty, with its related diplomatic notes and implementation arrangements, authorized the U.S. military presence in Japan. Of singular importance to USFJ was the signing of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) on that same day. The U.S.- Japan Joint Committee established under the prior administrative agreement was continued as the means for inter-governmental consultations on general matters regarding implementation of the SOFA, on U.S. facilities.

COMUSJAPAN's mission stems directly from the treaty and the resulting presence of U.S. forces in Japan. The commander is responsible for developing plans for the defense of Japan and must be prepared, if contingencies arise, to assume operational control of assigned and attached U.S. forces for the execution of those plans. The commander's peacetime responsibilities include representing the Commander, U.S. Pacific Command, in relations among U.S. forces and other Department of Defense elements, the U.S. Ambassador, the Japan Ministry of Defense, and other Government of Japan agencies.

The U.S.-Japan alliance is essential to the free world posture in the Pacific. In the mutual security treaty, the United States and Japan acknowledge that they have a common stake in the security and peaceful progress of the Far East region. USFJ has made a positive contribution to the peace and security of the Far East and to the preservation of world peace.

On mainland Japan, there are seven different bases/posts. Yokota and Misawa, representing the Air Force; Camp Zama, representing the Army; Iwakuni; the Marine Corps; and Yokosuka, Atsugi, and Sasebo, the Navy. The closest of these is Camp Zama, which is approximately 20 miles from Yokota. The drive time, due to the traffic congestion in Japan, can be anywhere between one to two hours. The next largest facility on the island is Yokosuka, which is 70 kilometers away and can take two to three hours by car.


U.S. Army, Japan, consists of about 2,000 soldiers and is charged, during peacetime, with operating port facilities and a series of logistics installations throughout Honshu and Okinawa. USARJ participates actively with the Japan Ground Self Defense Force in bilateral training exercises and the development of bilateral plans. It commands and supports U.S. Army assigned units, attached units, and augmentation forces and employs these forces in support of the Commander. USARJ maintains and strengthens the credibility of deterrent power in the Pacific through maintenance of defense facilities, war reserves and operational project stocks. USARJ/9th TSC is headquartered at Camp Zama.


III MEF, which is under the operational command of Marine Forces Pacific, are garrisoned primarily on Okinawa and Southern Honshu. III MEF is headquartered at Camp Courtney, Okinawa. 



Marine Corps Installations Pacific provides oversight of Marine Corps installations in Hawaii, Japan and the Republic of Korea. MCIPACs primary mission is to implement policies, develop regional strategies and plans, prioritize resources and provide services, direction, and oversight to all assigned U.S. Marine Corps installations in order to support the operating forces, tenant commands and activities. Specifically in Japan, MCIPAC consists of two air stations and 10 camps/housing areas throughout Okinawa and mainland Japan. Headquarters for MCIPAC resides aboard Camp Foster in Okinawa.

The total number of Marines in Japan is approximately 18,000.


Commander, Naval Forces, Japan, consisting of about 6,000 personnel, is responsible for maintaining and operating the port facilities and providing base and logistic support for those surface, subsurface, aviation and amphibious elements of the U.S. Seventh Fleet that operate from Japan as part of the Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF). U.S. Commander Navy Forces, Japan, participates with the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force in exercises and planning. CNFJ is headquartered at Yokosuka.


U.S. Seventh Fleet, which is under the operation control of Commander, Pacific Fleet, has about 13,000 sailors, 18 ships, and 100 airplanes operating from Japan as part of the Forward Deployed Naval Forces.


The Fifth Air Force supports the Defense of Japan, advances United States (US) interests, and promotes broader Asia-Pacific security and stability by advancing bilateral air, space, and cyberspace operations capability and interoperability, enabling United States Air Force (USAF) forces and capabilities in Japan, and rapidly responding to crises.


United States Space Forces - Japan presents forces and space expertise under U.S. Space Forces Indo-Pacific in direct support of U.S. Forces Japan. Headquartered at Yokota Air Base, Japan, USSPACEFOR-JPN Guardians are responsible for organizing and presenting cross-component space combat capabilities within the region to meet warfighter requirements in accordance with U.S. partnership agreements with Japan.