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2008 HQ USFJ Installation Environmental Excellence Awards Announced

UNRELEASED | June 9, 2009

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- United States Forces, Japan, announced the winners of

the 2008 Headquarters USFJ Installation Environmental Excellence Awards on June 9.

Each year USFJ recognizes installations for outstanding environmental management by

service members and civilians in Japan.

Environmental awards are given for five categories: pollution prevention, natural

resources protection, USFJ and host nation coordination, spill response capability and

remediation, and environmental compliance programs.

Brigadier General John A. Toolan Jr., Deputy Commander of USFJ presented the

awards on behalf of USFJ Commander Lt. Gen. Edward A. Rice Jr., during the annual

Japan Joint Environmental Conference at The New Sanno Hotel.

The award for pollution prevention went to Fleet Activities Yokosuka. Commander, Fleet

Activities, Yokosuka’s hazardous materials procurement program averaged

approximately $105,000 in disposal avoidance costs, an increase of more than five

percent from calendar year 2007. The command’s Qualified Recycling Program (QRP)

recycled approximately 2,780 tons in calendar year 2008 and implemented curbside

collections of recyclable material for ships. Recycling efforts throughout calendar year

2008 have reduced solid waste by seven percent.

U.S. Army Garrison, Japan received the Natural Resource Protection award. Its

program was fully integrated into the Installation Planning Board. Its natural resources

management efforts included the update of the Integrated Natural Resource

Management Plan, simultaneous execution of the flora, fauna, and wetlands planning

surveys, the identification of Threatened and Endangered Species, and establishment of

buffer zones in training and recreational areas. USAG-J also conformed to the

Integrated Pest Management STAR certification requirement.

The award for USFJ and Host Nation Coordination went to Misawa Air Base who

promoted seven Earth Day events for 1,800 participants, including an art contest with

220 Department of Defense Dependent School students with 10 winners, and $275 in

prizes. They conducted a Memorial Day base beach clean up resulting in the removal of

one ton of debris. The environmental element initiated a conservation project where

local college students recorded/modeled an FLR9 antenna thus preserving local history.

Finally, Misawa AB and Misawa City hosted the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle “Thinking Day”

exchange where 200 Girl Scouts created treasures from trash.

Fleet Activities Yokosuka received the award for Spill Response Capability and

Remediation for its comprehensive prevention programs, and rapid and well-coordinated

responses to contain and clean-up of hazardous material spills. Throughout calendar

year 2008, Fleet Activities Yokosuka successfully performed a total of 18 spill drill

procedures/trainings for spill response personnel, to include training on the proper use of

the Harbor Buster, a new cutting edge piece of equipment used to contain and recover

oil spills in water (1 of 10 in the Navy). Fleet Activities Yokosuka actively investigates all

spills with the intention of identifying the cause with recommendations on how to

prevent. In addition, Fleet Activities Yokosuka meticulously researches and evaluates

possible trends associated with spills.