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UNRELEASED | March 11, 2013

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan - U.S. Forces, Japan and 5th Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Sam Angelella released the following statement today to mark the second

anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake:

"Two years ago, a massive earthquake struck Japan setting in motion an unprecedented triple disaster. Japan grieved the tragic loss of families and friends as a result of the earthquake, the destructive tsunami, and subsequent nuclear crisis.

I was in Washington that day and I watched very closely as the events unfolded. I witnessed what the entire world saw: the response and resiliency of the Japanese people rising up from the devastation. The selfless acts of first responders, the Jieitai and ordinary citizens alike demonstrated the Japanese spirit and the will to overcome even the greatest of adversities.

U.S. Forces, Japan was honored to work together with the Government of Japan and alliance partners to provide support and assistance during that time of crisis. These relationships grew stronger as we worked together through OPERATION TOMODACHI. Through our combined efforts, especially with Japan's pride and determination to 'Ganbaru,' the Tohoku region's road to recovery

began quickly and effectively.

Today, we honor the memory of the victims and their families, but we also look to the future. The U.S.-Japan relationship is our cornerstone alliance in the Asia-Pacific region. We pledge our continued friendship and support to one of our greatest allies."



横田基地―在日米軍兼第5空軍司令官サルバトーレ アンジェレラ空軍中将は本日、東日本大震災から2年目を迎えるにあたり以下の声明を発表致します。



