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Partners in Space: Guardians, Japanese counterparts train together during Keen Sword 25

24-009 | Oct. 31, 2024


Guardians from across the U.S. Space Force with support from Airmen and Marine augmentees worked with Japanese counterparts from Japan’s Space Operations Group to conduct bilateral training in support of Exercise Keen Sword, a joint bilateral exercise between U.S. Forces Japan and the Japan Self-Defense Force.

A bilateral group of 73 specialists from both countries met at Japan Air Self-Defense Force Fuchu Air Base on Oct. 22 to conduct bilateral space academics, followed by a two-day tabletop exercise. The academics and tabletop exercise are meant to exercise concepts of communication between key space stakeholders from both nations.

The events also support critical lines of effort for Exercise Keen Sword and help to bring experts from two allied nations together to learn and improve coordination across the space domain.

“Working alongside the Space Operations Group in the bilateral tabletop exercise is a critical effort in considering how each of us is going to field space capabilities and drive towards deeper interoperability,” said U.S. Space Force Col. Jason Schramm, Deputy Commander, U.S. Space Forces Indo-Pacific. “This really allows tight synchronization in an environment where we can quickly learn what does and does not work and then adjust to help bring the successes into our Field Training Exercise, or FTX.”

Among the most important elements of the space engagements include a proof-of-concept of space operations and intelligence missions integrated into a large nation-wide bilateral exercise in Japan.

“We are happy to participate alongside our U.S. partners in the space domain, especially as the bilateral participation is in the context of a larger exercise between our two countries,” said Japan Air Self-Defense Force Col. Kimitoshi Sugiyama, Commander, Space Operations Group. “This is the first time we’ve integrated bilateral space academics sessions at Fuchu AB, and the lessons learned from this engagement will continue to improve how we operate in the space domain together.”

The tabletop exercise occurred concurrently with a Keen Sword Field Training Exercise, conducted throughout Japan, with players from Fuchu AB, Yokota Air Base, Camp Kinser, and Camp Zama.

Keen Sword 25 takes place in the vicinity of Japan from Oct. 23 through Nov. 1. The exercise is designed to enhance Japan-U.S. readiness and interoperability while strengthening bilateral relationships and demonstrating U.S. resolve to support the security interests of Allies and partners in the region.

  • U.S. Forces, Japan