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Japan COLA Rates Changing Soon

18-014 | Oct. 23, 2018

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- The Military Advisory Panel has approved the latest Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) rates for U.S. Service members based in Japan.

Four locations in Japan will see an increase in COLA rates, four will see a decrease and two will see no change from current rates.

Bases seeing an increase in COLA are Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Misawa Air Base, Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo, and Yokota Air Base. Installations that will see a decrease are Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Combined Arms Training Center Mt. Fuji, Camp Zama, and all installations in Okinawa. Yokohama North Dock and Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka will see no change in COLA rates.

The updates to COLA rates were approved as a result of data was collected from the Living Pattern Survey that was conducted in April and May for uniformed members.

Service members projected to receive an increase in their COLA will see it on their Nov. 15 paychecks while those service members whose COLA is decreasing will see the change reflected in their Dec. 15 paychecks.

“I encourage all of our service members to check the defense travel website to get a better understanding of their pay,” said Chief Master Sgt. Terrence A. Greene, United States Forces, Japan command chief. “If our folks are concerned about the financial impacts of these changes, I encourage them to talk with their chain of command and take advantage of the financial planning resources the military makes available.”

For additional information on COLA and the updated allowance rates, visit the Defense Travel Management Website, https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/colaCalc.cfm

  • U.S. Forces Japan
  • U.S. Forces Japan Public Affairs
  • Phone:315-225-4148
  • pacom.yokota.usfj.mbx.pao@mail.mil