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18-008 | June 11, 2018
An Air Force F-15C Eagle assigned to the 44th Fighter Squadron, 18th Wing, crashed at approximately 6:26 a.m. today in the waters south of Okinawa.
The aircraft was conducting a routine training mission. The pilot successfully ejected and was recovered by Japan Air Self-Defense Force, Naha Rescue Squadron. The pilot has been transferred to the U.S. Naval Hospital on Camp Foster and is in serious condition.
“I would like to personally thank the Naha Rescue Squadron for their quick response this morning, which led to the safe recovery of our Airman,” said Col. Richard Tanner, 18th Wing vice commander. “I sincerely appreciate the strong support of our Japanese partners in this difficult situation.”
The cause of the mishap is unknown at this time. A board of officers will conduct a thorough investigation, examining the facts and circumstances that led up to the accident to determine the cause.
Kadena has temporarily paused F-15 local training operations while the 18th Wing reviews operational, maintenance and safety procedures with unit personnel. The safety of our aircrews and the local community remains a top priority for the 18th Wing.
Please refer questions regarding this incident to the 18th Wing Public Affairs office at
嘉手納基地のF-15機が墜落 (更新) 嘉手納基地―2018年6月11日午前6時26分頃、第18航空団第44戦闘中隊に所属する米空軍F-15Cイーグル戦闘機が沖縄本島南部の洋上で墜落した。
現時点で墜落の原因は明らかとなっていない。今後、調査委員会が事故発生までの事実関係を詳しく調査し、事故原因を究明する。 第18航空団が運用、整備、安全確保のための手順を部隊関係者と見直す間、嘉手納基地は一時的にF-15機による現地での訓練飛行を中止する。航空機乗組員および地域の方々の安全は第18航空団の最優先事項である。