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Restrictions placed on U.S. service members in Japan

17-030 | Nov. 19, 2017

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan – Effective immediately, U.S. service members on Okinawa are restricted to base and to their residences. Until further notice, alcohol consumption is prohibited. This includes in residences and public locations such as bars and clubs, and hotels.

Additionally, U.S. service members on mainland Japan are prohibited from purchasing or consuming alcohol, on or off base.\

The new restrictions follow an accident Sunday morning in Naha in which a Okinawan man was killed when his vehicle was struck by a truck being driven by a U.S. service member. Alcohol may have been a factor.

Commanders across Japan will immediately lead mandatory training to address responsible alcohol use, risk management and acceptable behavior. All military members and U.S. government civilians in Japan are required to attend.

The vast majority of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and civilians in Japan serve honorably and make great contributions to the defense of Japan. When our service members fail to live up to the high standards we set for them, it damages the bonds between bases and local communities and makes it harder for us to accomplish our mission. We are committed to being good neighbors with our host communities and we are thankful for the support we receive from them every day.







 日本に駐留する陸軍兵、海軍兵、空軍兵、海兵隊員、民間人の大多数が名誉をもって奉仕し、日本の防衛に大きく貢献しています。私たちの軍人が、私たちが設定した高い基準に達することができない場合、それは基地と地域社会の間の絆を損ない、私たちの使命を達成することをより困難にします。 私たちは受け入れ地域と良好な関係を持つことを約束しており、私たちは毎日彼らから受ける支援に感謝しています。


  • U.S. Forces Japan