Okinawa Funded Environmental & Morale Leave

In accordance with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (ASD) Military Personnel Policy memorandum, “Request for Funded Environmental Morale Leave for Okinawa, Japan,” dated November 19, 2021, Okinawa, Japan has been designated a FEML location due to the ongoing Coronavirus-19 pandemic and the travel hardships incumbent with virus mitigation measures.

** Effective 1 June, the GOJ lifted requirements for COVID-19 testing and quarantine upon arrival for eligible travelers from the U.S. to Japan as long as they arrive with a negative PCR COVID test taken within 72 hours of departure to Japan, regardless of their vaccination status. Based on this lifting of restrictions, Okinawa FEML designation now expires 1 August 2022, with the below exception:

Individuals with FEML travel reservations submitted on 1 Jun or earlier remain valid if travel commences prior to 1 Oct. For all FEML travel reservations submitted on or after 2 Jun, travel must begin before 1 Aug. All reservations submitted on or after 2 Jun, where travel begins on or after 1 Aug, are no longer valid and must be rebooked. It is highly recommended for individuals with these reservations to contact their unit's approving officials prior to taking any action to confirm their status or for additional guidance.

** Effective 7 Sept, the GOJ lifted requirements for a pre-boarding COVID test 72 hours before departing to Japan for people who have received at least three COVID vaccine shots.

** The Flight Statuses spreadsheet is current as of the annotated date/time, and will be updated every 2-3 days. Between updates, the number of available seats are subject to change when booked. **

Flight Statuses