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USFJ releases statement on MOD Symposium

UNRELEASED | Aug. 30, 2012

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan – Lt. Gen. Sam Angelella, commander, U.S. Forces, Japan, released the following statement on the Ministry of Defense Symposium today:

I want to thank the Ministry of Defense for hosting the August 29 symposium on the MV-22B Osprey. After watching the event, I am grateful for the ministry’s actions to publicly address concerns and to gain people's understanding of the safety of the aircraft and the benefit of this capability to the Japan-US Alliance.

The Osprey offers a tremendous leap forward in medium-lift capability and significantly strengthens the United States’ ability to assist in the defense of Japan, perform humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, and fulfill other alliance roles in the region. I look forward to seeing this aircraft in operation here in Japan. We will continue to support events such as this symposium to help allay concerns about the Osprey and the professional Americans who will fly them.

In closing, I would also like to thank the moderator, Midori Miyazaki, and each of the panelists (Hidemichi Katsumata, Yomiuri Research Institute Chief Researcher; Wataru Nishikawa, Japan Air Association Foundation; Noboru Yamaguchi, Professor, School of Defense Science, National Defense Academy; Mr. Rob Luke, US Embassy; and Col. Christopher Seymour, Commander, Marine Aircraft Group 26) for their professionalism and excellent interaction in discussing the issues.

*下記の日本語文書は参考のための仮翻訳で、正文は英文です。 Release # 181023

報道資料 2012年8月30日


横田基地―在日米軍司令官サミュエル アンジェレラ中将は防衛省主催で行われたシンポジウムに関して以下声明を発表致しました。




最後になりましたが、シンポジウムにて司会をして頂いた宮崎緑様を始め各パネリスト(読売新聞調査研究本部主任研究勝股秀通様、日本ヘリコプタ協会元会西川 渉様、防衛大学校教山口 昇様、米国大使館 ロブ ルーク氏、そして米国第26海兵航空群 クリストファー シーモア大佐)皆様の高い専門性と問題に対処する素晴らしい意見交換に感謝致します。

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MV-22Bオスプレイ インフォメーションセンター ウェブサイトはこちらです。
